

该项目位于最靠谱的网赌软件(最靠谱的网赌软件)的校园内,分为两个阶段 夏季居住阶段 和一个 学年阶段. 在夏天, 学生有机会留在校园,接受强化的课堂指导,为即将到来的学年做好准备. 在学年阶段, 学生们在周六参加课程,并接受个性化的辅导,旨在提高他们在高中课堂上的表现.

Read more about the program in the tabs below.


该项目面向居住在诺福克公立高中的9年级至11年级学生,以及即将升入9年级的中学生. It is also offered to high school students who reside in Portsmouth, 就读于丘奇兰高中的弗吉尼亚学生以及即将就读于丘奇兰高中的初中生.

教师由当地高中教师和最靠谱的网赌软件的教师组成, who also provide workshops and seminars. Old Dominion students work as tutor-counselors for the program. 他们在课堂上协助教师,并在更私人的基础上与上进课程的学生交流.


  • meet the income eligibility criterion established by Federal Guidelines
  • 有可能成为第一代大学生(父母均未获得学士学位)
  • 他被九年级录取了, 10th, 或者是11年级, and enrolled in one of the target area high schools at the time of acceptance
  • be at least 13 and a rising 9th grader also at the time of acceptance
  • be a citizen or national of the United States
  • 住在诺福克或朴茨茅斯
  • 是否需要学术支持以成功完成高中后的学习计划


该项目提供的学术服务包括课堂指导和英语辅导, 阅读, 数学, 科学与实验科学, 外语, social studies and elective classes.

大学之旅 & 文化的浓缩



运输 to and from 大学之旅, 特殊的活动, 和文化丰富活动是由上进计划为参加者提供的.

指导 & 咨询服务

Using a developmental advising approach, 向上的束缚 assist students in making appropriate college plans, 学术决策, 还有职业选择.


津贴 are given for program participation each Saturday during the academic year. A weekly stipend is also given during the summer residential component. 以获得津贴, 参与者必须提供满意参与计划活动的证据,包括:定期出勤和提高学习成绩.

Booker T. 华盛顿高中
联络:. Lakeshia梅耶斯
(757) 628-3572

博士联络:. 罗宾·斯垂顿
(757) 892-3215

liaisonv:先生. 沃尔特托马斯
(757) 852-4508

联络:. Lekeya。马森博格
(757) 686-2500

(757) 451-4116

联系人:先生. 弗兰克•布朗
(757) 628-3369

Phillip Killebrew, 2009届毕业生


菲利普毕业于. C. 2009年在Norcom高中. 我们的前任主任,李女士. Tolliver saw something in Phillip and admitted him in the program. 他参加了上进项目,充分利用了项目提供的一切.

He graduated from Virginia State University with a BS Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is presently a Fluid Systems Engineer with General Dynamics Electric Boat. 他目前就读于纽黑文大学,攻读工程运营管理硕士学位.


When internationally-acclaimed actress Viola Davis gains her star on the 好莱坞星光大道 1月. 5, 在世界各地为她加油的人中,有两个特别的人:她的姐姐, Deloris格兰特, and the sisters' earliest acting coach, 罗恩·斯泰森毡帽.The Federal 向上的束缚 program links all three.

As teenagers, Deloris and Viola in 1979 enrolled together in the six-week intensive 向上的束缚 program at Rhode Island College. They did so during the one and only summer that Stetson worked in the college prep, student success program for those who are low-income or "first generation," meaning their parents did not obtain a college degree.

The job was "manna from heaven," 罗恩 recalled during an interview in late December. 为什么? Besides allowing him to expose teenagers to the serious pursuit of theater, 很多都是第一次, 他开玩笑说, “我不得不给我的车加油."

罗恩, 她在戏剧界工作了几十年,是纽约邻里剧场的资深演员, 早在维奥拉获得两项奥斯卡提名(电影《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》和《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》)之前,他就很欣赏她了,),几十年后她才获得艾美奖(凭借《最靠谱的网赌软件》(How to Get Away With Murder)中的女主角)。. 他回忆起一个14岁的孩子,他没有被他严厉的爱的教学方法所吓倒. Humble about the role he played in her life, 罗恩表示, "I can't stress this enough: This is Viola's story, 不是我的."

罗恩 asked his students to raise their hands if they wanted to become an actor. 所有的人都举手了. As he emphasized the difficulty of an acting career, 高失业率, 职业机会的稀少, 更别说成功了, more and more hands came down until Viola's was the only one left.

“我喜欢她。”罗恩回忆道. "I know myself well enough that I brought a lot of ego into that room. 但她是个意志坚定的孩子. 我是说,维奥拉才14岁! But she didn't back down; as Viola herself told the New Yorker, she was reaching for the ceiling."

She remembers growing up poor in a family of one brother and five sisters. Yet the 向上的束缚 program was a bright spot for the whole family. 当被问及她是否参加了学生成功计划时,她笑着说:“是吗 在跟我开玩笑? 第一年, I went to some classes with [older sisters] Diane and Anita," who were also enrolled in 向上的束缚 - at that time, 最小的妹妹, 丹尼尔, 还太小不能参加吗. (Ultimately, the five Davis sisters all obtained college degrees.)

德洛里斯说,和维奥拉一起在罗德岛大学度过了六个星期的暑假,这让两姐妹走得更近了,这是一次鼓舞人心的经历. "Our lives became intertwined,德洛丽丝说. “离开家六周, 发展我自己的自我意识, 做戏剧, 上课, 就像一个, 巨大的礼物."

然而,这个家庭却举步维艰. 当家里没有食物的时候, Deloris, Viola and their siblings sometimes would look through garbage for something to eat. 戏剧提供了一种逃避, 尽管饿着肚子上床睡觉的经历是他们俩都永远不会忘记的——这也是维奥拉现在成为 饥饿是, an effort that aims to end childhood hunger in America.

Despite poverty at home, the girls' educational life blossomed. Between 向上的束缚 classes every Saturday and attending high school, 他们一周上六天课. "The teachers in 向上的束缚 were some of the best teachers I ever had. They were brilliant and compassionate. They treated me like I was such an intellectual, and I wasn't used to that. 在此之前,我觉得别人因为我是黑人女性而对我不同,德洛丽丝说. "罗恩's classes liberated me as an artist. I realized, you know what, maybe I really am 重要的. Maybe I really can do something great someday."

向上跳跃的经历对德洛里斯和维奥拉产生了如此大的影响,以至于他们决定在罗德岛学院毕业后立即为向上跳跃的学生建立一个奖学金基金. 启动基金, she and Viola put on a one-woman show at the college in 1988, 筹集200到300美元. The beginnings were humble, but they were the start of something much bigger. 从那时起, 他们创立的基金, Rhode Island College's 向上的束缚 Scholarship Endowment Fund, 已经提供了数万美元来帮助几十名上进学生支付大学学费和书本费. After Viola was nominated for an Academy Award in 2012 for "The Help,同为电影演员的梅丽尔·斯特里普, with whom Viola co-starred in "Doubt,捐了10美元,向该基金捐款000英镑.

"Viola is always asking me, 'are any of the kids hungry? 他们需要食物吗??' She has given so much to the students at my high school. 人们不知道,”德洛里斯说.


至于罗恩, 他仍然很谦虚,并对自己所扮演的角色感到有点惊讶,因为他引起了人们对一个14岁的上进学生的兴趣,而这个学生已经成为世界一流女演员之一. “艺术赋予人们力量,”他说. "Somewhere along the line, someone said 'Yes,' to Viola."


Taken from Council for Opportunity in Education website, dated 01/03/17


该项目面向居住在诺福克公立高中的9年级至11年级学生,以及即将升入9年级的中学生. It is also offered to high school students who reside in Portsmouth, 就读于丘奇兰高中的弗吉尼亚学生以及即将就读于丘奇兰高中的初中生.

教师由当地高中教师和最靠谱的网赌软件的教师组成, who also provide workshops and seminars. Old Dominion students work as tutor-counselors for the program. 他们在课堂上协助教师,并在更私人的基础上与上进课程的学生交流.


  • meet the income eligibility criterion established by Federal Guidelines
  • 有可能成为第一代大学生(父母均未获得学士学位)
  • 他被九年级录取了, 10th, 或者是11年级, and enrolled in one of the target area high schools at the time of acceptance
  • be at least 13 and a rising 9th grader also at the time of acceptance
  • be a citizen or national of the United States
  • 住在诺福克或朴茨茅斯
  • 是否需要学术支持以成功完成高中后的学习计划


该项目提供的学术服务包括课堂指导和英语辅导, 阅读, 数学, 科学与实验科学, 外语, social studies and elective classes.

大学之旅 & 文化的浓缩



运输 to and from 大学之旅, 特殊的活动, 和文化丰富活动是由上进计划为参加者提供的.

指导 & 咨询服务

Using a developmental advising approach, 向上的束缚 assist students in making appropriate college plans, 学术决策, 还有职业选择.


津贴 are given for program participation each Saturday during the academic year. A weekly stipend is also given during the summer residential component. 以获得津贴, 参与者必须提供满意参与计划活动的证据,包括:定期出勤和提高学习成绩.

Booker T. 华盛顿高中
联络:. Lakeshia梅耶斯
(757) 628-3572

博士联络:. 罗宾·斯垂顿
(757) 892-3215

liaisonv:先生. 沃尔特托马斯
(757) 852-4508

联络:. Lekeya。马森博格
(757) 686-2500

(757) 451-4116

联系人:先生. 弗兰克•布朗
(757) 628-3369

Phillip Killebrew, 2009届毕业生


菲利普毕业于. C. 2009年在Norcom高中. 我们的前任主任,李女士. Tolliver saw something in Phillip and admitted him in the program. 他参加了上进项目,充分利用了项目提供的一切.

He graduated from Virginia State University with a BS Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is presently a Fluid Systems Engineer with General Dynamics Electric Boat. 他目前就读于纽黑文大学,攻读工程运营管理硕士学位.


When internationally-acclaimed actress Viola Davis gains her star on the 好莱坞星光大道 1月. 5, 在世界各地为她加油的人中,有两个特别的人:她的姐姐, Deloris格兰特, and the sisters' earliest acting coach, 罗恩·斯泰森毡帽.The Federal 向上的束缚 program links all three.

As teenagers, Deloris and Viola in 1979 enrolled together in the six-week intensive 向上的束缚 program at Rhode Island College. They did so during the one and only summer that Stetson worked in the college prep, student success program for those who are low-income or "first generation," meaning their parents did not obtain a college degree.

The job was "manna from heaven," 罗恩 recalled during an interview in late December. 为什么? Besides allowing him to expose teenagers to the serious pursuit of theater, 很多都是第一次, 他开玩笑说, “我不得不给我的车加油."

罗恩, 她在戏剧界工作了几十年,是纽约邻里剧场的资深演员, 早在维奥拉获得两项奥斯卡提名(电影《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》和《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》)之前,他就很欣赏她了,),几十年后她才获得艾美奖(凭借《最靠谱的网赌软件》(How to Get Away With Murder)中的女主角)。. 他回忆起一个14岁的孩子,他没有被他严厉的爱的教学方法所吓倒. Humble about the role he played in her life, 罗恩表示, "I can't stress this enough: This is Viola's story, 不是我的."

罗恩 asked his students to raise their hands if they wanted to become an actor. 所有的人都举手了. As he emphasized the difficulty of an acting career, 高失业率, 职业机会的稀少, 更别说成功了, more and more hands came down until Viola's was the only one left.

“我喜欢她。”罗恩回忆道. "I know myself well enough that I brought a lot of ego into that room. 但她是个意志坚定的孩子. 我是说,维奥拉才14岁! But she didn't back down; as Viola herself told the New Yorker, she was reaching for the ceiling."

She remembers growing up poor in a family of one brother and five sisters. Yet the 向上的束缚 program was a bright spot for the whole family. 当被问及她是否参加了学生成功计划时,她笑着说:“是吗 在跟我开玩笑? 第一年, I went to some classes with [older sisters] Diane and Anita," who were also enrolled in 向上的束缚 - at that time, 最小的妹妹, 丹尼尔, 还太小不能参加吗. (Ultimately, the five Davis sisters all obtained college degrees.)

德洛里斯说,和维奥拉一起在罗德岛大学度过了六个星期的暑假,这让两姐妹走得更近了,这是一次鼓舞人心的经历. "Our lives became intertwined,德洛丽丝说. “离开家六周, 发展我自己的自我意识, 做戏剧, 上课, 就像一个, 巨大的礼物."

然而,这个家庭却举步维艰. 当家里没有食物的时候, Deloris, Viola and their siblings sometimes would look through garbage for something to eat. 戏剧提供了一种逃避, 尽管饿着肚子上床睡觉的经历是他们俩都永远不会忘记的——这也是维奥拉现在成为 饥饿是, an effort that aims to end childhood hunger in America.

Despite poverty at home, the girls' educational life blossomed. Between 向上的束缚 classes every Saturday and attending high school, 他们一周上六天课. "The teachers in 向上的束缚 were some of the best teachers I ever had. They were brilliant and compassionate. They treated me like I was such an intellectual, and I wasn't used to that. 在此之前,我觉得别人因为我是黑人女性而对我不同,德洛丽丝说. "罗恩's classes liberated me as an artist. I realized, you know what, maybe I really am 重要的. Maybe I really can do something great someday."

向上跳跃的经历对德洛里斯和维奥拉产生了如此大的影响,以至于他们决定在罗德岛学院毕业后立即为向上跳跃的学生建立一个奖学金基金. 启动基金, she and Viola put on a one-woman show at the college in 1988, 筹集200到300美元. The beginnings were humble, but they were the start of something much bigger. 从那时起, 他们创立的基金, Rhode Island College's 向上的束缚 Scholarship Endowment Fund, 已经提供了数万美元来帮助几十名上进学生支付大学学费和书本费. After Viola was nominated for an Academy Award in 2012 for "The Help,同为电影演员的梅丽尔·斯特里普, with whom Viola co-starred in "Doubt,捐了10美元,向该基金捐款000英镑.

"Viola is always asking me, 'are any of the kids hungry? 他们需要食物吗??' She has given so much to the students at my high school. 人们不知道,”德洛里斯说.


至于罗恩, 他仍然很谦虚,并对自己所扮演的角色感到有点惊讶,因为他引起了人们对一个14岁的上进学生的兴趣,而这个学生已经成为世界一流女演员之一. “艺术赋予人们力量,”他说. "Somewhere along the line, someone said 'Yes,' to Viola."


Taken from Council for Opportunity in Education website, dated 01/03/17



TRIO 向上的束缚 Program is funded by the Federal Government through the U. S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202. 最靠谱的网赌软件的上进项目已经获得资助,为期五年,从2022年到2027年.